Bachmann Law

519-428-8090 or 1-877-428-8090

Everyone injured in a car collision in Ontario (including pedestrians and cyclists), regardless of fault, is entitled to certain accident benefits from their own insurance company. Some of these benefits are:

  • Effective June 1, 2016, benefits and coverages you receive in a standard auto insurance policy changed; some were reduced, and some options for increased coverage were eliminated or changed.


Options to consider including but are not limited to;

  • Income replacement benefits for people who are unable to return to their job
  • Non-earner benefits for people who were not employed at the time of the collision and are deemed unable to carry on a normal life
  • Optional Medical Rehabilitation & Attendant Care benefits to assist the injured people with getting better – limit $1,000,000
  • Optional Catastrophic Impairment – Additional $1,000,000.


There are a number of other benefits potentially available to injured individuals.

Contact us for a free consultation on your legal rights and the options available to you.